Saturday, June 1, 2019

It has been a great spring for the golf course.  We are just about caught up with most of our spring cultural and chemical applications.  The storm on Thursday was unfortunate and required us to divert labor to cleaning up the mess.  Such are variables when working with the weather.  Oh well that is what makes this job so interesting.

Debris being cleared from the practice green Friday morning.  Tee times were pushed back one hour to give us a little breathing room setting up the course.
Four large trees fell.  Half of this tulip poplar is resting on an oak.
The other half is in the driving range fairway.  This will be cleaned up on Monday.
Left of three tee.  It is remarkable this tree lasted as long as it did.
Large oak through a neighbors fence at six tee.
Half of a white pine in fourteen fairway.
Our last Sargent crabapple on the course.  We'll plant a better variety later.

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