Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Club Championship went well.  The weather was perfect and the golf course presented a nice challenge.  Isn't it nice when the weather cooperates!  We continue to be a little behind in our bed maintenance but hopefully will be caught up in the next few weeks.  With the Memorial holiday we missed our Monday maintenance so this week is compacted with lots of catch up.

The driving range tee is back to grass now that the bermudagrass is growing.  We will play on grass Wednesday-Sunday.
The crew did some bang up work getting the course in shape for our championships. 
One area of concern is the inconsistency of our rough.  This photo shows clumpy tall fescue outgrowing the Kentucky bluegrass.  The bluegrass takes longer to get going in the spring.  Warmer temperatures and fertilization will help reduce this unevenness.
All fine turf areas are shining!

The wildflower garden is taking off this spring.
Our red-tail hawks have produced one chick it appears!  Here the adults keep a close eye on the nest.
Astilbes looking awesome behind three green.

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