Saturday, May 4, 2019

We received a beneficial one inch of rain on Thursday afternoon.  Unfortunately more is in the forecast that could put a damper on greens aeration scheduled for Monday.  If that happens we will go to plan B and aerify on Tuesday.  Just a reminder that the course will be closed all day to allow us to complete as much as possible.  Wish us success!

Seedlings between the 2nd and 17th hole beginning to fill in.  We will apply a combo fertilizer and  preemergent herbicide the week of May 13th.
Fairway plugs with fescue emerging at 8 tee with no standing water.
Bentgrass is just waking up.  Here it fills in some voids in the 1st fairway with some great lateral growth.
New sod near the 13th green.  The area in the foreground was built up to direct storm water to the swale in the back and on to the catch basin on the other side of the path.  The storm confirmed that it works.
Crepe myrtles, azaleas, and deciduous hollies were planted at the clubhouse entrance this week.  Once this is mulched it will be awesome!
It has been a terrible spring for annual bluegrass.  The light green turf is annual bluegrass or Poa annua encroaching in tall fescue/Kentucky bluegrass.  This is another "gift" from 2018.  Poa germinates in late September.  All the rain and thin turf areas allowed this to occur as it is always waiting for an opportunity to spread.  We will work diligently to reduce the population this season.
Picture of the year so far!

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