Monday, April 29, 2019

Good morning.  Today is our spray day for the fairways.  Prior to this application we mowed the fairways which required five men to complete in record time.  Tomorrow is the Women's US Open Qualifier so we are spending some quality time on the greens repairing ball marks and topdressing some thin areas.  A plant delivery arrives tomorrow so most of the crew will be installing shrubs and trees during the competition.  Please remember next Monday we are aerifying the greens and the course will be closed all day while we perform this important cultural task.  Sorry golfers!

Mowing fairways prior to spraying them.
Josh spraying with Tano as the training continues.
Tis the season for pollen and such.  Here we blow the practice green temporarily covered with oak catkins.
The step cut around the collars has been set and is now mowed to its correct height.
Seeding thin areas around five tee.
Trimming around trees on Monday as we play catch up.
Coach Rechin trimming on the fifth hole. 
We opened the driving range tee on Friday for the weekend.  This picture illustrates perfect practice allowing the turf to heal from both sides of the divot.
Here is an example of poor practice which will require additional time to heal.  The bermudagrass is just awakening so we will play off mats during the week until it is growing aggressively.
More nice mulch work by the crew.

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