Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The golf course is beginning to grow and fill in.  Soil temperatures have climbed to fifty degrees.  Seed is germinating and the power of spring in on full display!  Another productive Monday allowed us to accomplish more projects.  Dimension herbicide to prevent crabgrass was applied to most of the fairways before the wind made it impossible to spray.  This will be completed Tuesday.  Newly seeded areas in the fairways were not treated and will be keep moist as we try to improve our bentgrass stand in these areas.  A second application will be made in six weeks.  All aerification plugs were spread and seeded as well.  The rest of the crew worked on weeding beds in preparation for mulch. 

It has been a prolific spring for winter weeds due to the wet fall and winter.  Chickweed, henbit, bittercress and annual bluegrass are all in abundance this spring.  Generally herbicides are not required as these will disappear with mowing and warmer weather.  Roughs will be mowed to 2 1/2" for the first time this week.
Hairy Bittercress
Henbit easily diagnosed by it's purple flowers.
Waitea Patch on our greens- a given that this disease will be present in the spring somewhere on our greens.
Spreading plugs to fill in a perennially wet area.
An area on the driving range.
Beds weeded and waiting for mulch.
Pollinating garden in process.  We will raise the right side of this bed with aerification cores to prevent storm water from entering.
Storm damage and an unfortunate event to this Sargent crabapple.
We purchased a rotary bush hog to replace an antique.
Our tulips have been exceptional this spring. This bed at twelve tee is spectacular!



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