Tuesday, May 21, 2019

We had our first outing of the year on Monday.  Even with a busy golf event we were able to fill divots in all the fairways, edge bunkers on eight holes and plant several beds.  May is the busiest month for us.  There does appear to be a light at the end of our tunnel though!  Memorial Day features our Club Championship so extra work will go into the greens to get them as true as possible.

Last week the rough was fertilized with a preemergent herbicide.  The rough is gradually filling in and has made nice progress since the beginning of the season.  Today all the fairways were fertilized. 
Annual installation on Monday.
The garden was planted last week.
Tomatoes galore for the Chef Francesco.
Finally getting the bunkers edged.
What a difference!
The cloudy, cool weather was perfect for an outbreak of Waitea Patch.  This is the sixteenth green.
One week later after a fungicide application but more importantly some nice sun and warmth and its just about gone.
Some excellent practice techniques going on. Thanks for this. 
The wildflower bed is looking awesome!

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