Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Member Guest week has arrived.  Unfortunately so has the rain.  We received one and a half inches last night and six tenths the day before.  Last nights rain set us back.  All the bunkers washed as well as many of the beds .We will need a little luck going forward with the potential of more drenching storms through Thursday.

This looks eerily familiar to last season.
Our bunkers are old type construction that wash when we have extreme downpours.  Newer construction featuring Better Billy or Capillary Concrete type drainage liners do not erode.
We purchased a new bunker rake and blower just in time.  Check out this rig.
Tano pushing sand with our new equipment.
More storm damage-NOT what we need before a big tournament.
On Tuesday we double cut the greens.  We have found mowing back and forth on the same pass is an efficient way to accomplish this.
Finally some tree work was done after all the storms.  This is one serious chipper that can do up to 24 inches in diameter!
Cutting up the tree by six tee.  It is too soft to move equipment around most of the course so some work remains.
Some nice green repair done on the 8th green.

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