Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The course received a beneficial .85" of rain Sunday and Monday.  Nice and slow-sometimes called a superintendent's rain!  Boy does the course show it's favor today.  We were able to get the outing off on Monday.  Rained on us all morning but stopped by 12:45 just in time for golf.  The guys continue to get it done on Monday with partial closure.  All the fairway sprinklers were edged, all greenside bunkers except the 17th hole were edged, depth checked and slopes firmed up and almost ten acres of rough were treated with an insecticide for grub control-perfect for a rainy day!  Fairways were mowed and greens were rolled as well!

Josh spraying Acelepryn insecticide for season long grub control in light rain.  Perfect!
Greenside bunkers edged to perfection.
Today we crosscut greens and groomed at the same time.  Grooming is a light form of vertical mowing that reduces lateral growth and forces the turf to grow upward.  We removed a lot of grass from the greens.  Interestingly the greens actually slow down as the turf is pulled upwards from this process.  This is short term and green speed will increase over the next few days as we mow, roll and lightly topdress.
Our Audubon Sanctuary Program continues to excel.  We planted milkweed along four tee bank as part of the Monarchs in the Rough Program.  Please google this if interested.
Milkweed beginning to bloom,  I keep searching for monarch caterpillars but haven't seen any so far.
The wildflowers on three continue to surprise.  Last month yellow coreopsis bloomed in profusion and now white daisies are in abundance.  What's next?
We have nineteen bluebird houses on our property and have bluebirds, tree swallows or wrens in fourteen of them which is an amazing success story.  Here bluebirds are just hatching.

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