Wednesday, March 13, 2019

We have had a great week of work.  Finally some nice weather is happening and we deserve it!  We are taking advantage of it too.  All the greens were deep tined aerified this week and it came out spectacularly.  The aerifier was able to reach a depth of ten inches without any surface disruption.  Tees are being aerified now.  All tarps were removed on Monday and those greens will open on Thursday.  Tees on eight and fifteen will remain closed until they are ready to support play.

A remarkable thing happened on Tuesday.  The sun came out and there were no clouds!
Francisco and Josh did some superior work aerifying the greens with the Vertidrain.
Perfect results-now wake up Mr. Green!
Tarps were removed on Monday.  Now that is an oasis in a dormant world!
Tarps do work.
Fifteen tee turned out great and was done by our staff.  It's not ready for golf traffic though.
Eight tee looks awesome but is not ready to support play as well.  Expect this to open in about a month.
Daffodils on the sixth tee just opening.




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