Monday, March 18, 2019

Finally some great weather to help the course.  Conditions improved immensely last week with sun and wind.  There was actually some ball roll witnessed in the fairways!  Today we began aerifying and seeding the rough.  Expect this to be completed by the end of March.  We have a daunting task after last year's epic weather ahead of us but I know we are up to the challenge-weather permitting!

We mowed fairways for the first time on Thursday.
Eight tee looks great.  Here Josh rolls it before mowing.
The first mow.
Five green after mowing for the first time.
We fertilized the driving range tee to encourage it to wake up on Friday.
The ground is still cold but we are about ten days ahead of last year's pace.
Francisco deep tine aerating the first tee.
The crew is doing some great mulching around the course.
Geese don't stay long with our dogs on duty.
A sure sign of spring.  Our first osprey has returned!

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