Thursday, March 21, 2019

A very rainy Thursday but the timing is not bad with the great work our staff did on Monday thru Wednesday.  All the rough on the front nine with the exception of #3 and 10, 17 and 18 on the back nine were aerified extensively.  Weak areas were seeded as well.  Weather permitting this work will conclude next week.  Conditions were perfect for a change!  Can you believe beneficial rain?  Anyway the golf season is breaking positively so far.

Nice soil conditions allowed us an opportunity to create excellent deep holes.
Three John Deere tractors aerating the sixth hole.
Jose B using the Ryan Renovaire to aerify the deep rough.  The concrete weights on top of the aerifier allow the unit to penetrate deep into the soil.
Luis using the John Deere Aercore 1500 and Tano aerifying with the Aercore 1000.
After the cores are drug the finished area looks something like this.
All this is followed up by seeding where needed with the Kubota and First Seeder.  We use a 90 percent tall fescue, ten percent Kentucky bluegrass in sunny locations.  We also use a shade blend in low light areas. 
Another view of Josh seeding on the 17th hole.  There is actually some dust behind the machine!
The fairways are beginning to show their blue color unique to this bent variety.


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