Monday, March 4, 2019

It looks like a cold start to March but fortunately dry.  The crew is wrapping up some tree removals and hopes to add some internal drainage in the rough later in the week.  Mulch Madness is underway. We will continue to add weed barrier and aluminum edging to beds to reduce labor prior to mulching. Our first bulk delivery arrives Tuesday with club grounds the first area to be tackled. 

Tree removals on the 14th hole.  Removing the weak so the strong can prosper.
French drain installed last week on hole nine.  We will add some lateral drains later this week to this line.  Sod will be purchased to repair raised area.
Many areas of standing water are from sod berms.  This sod needs to be lowered to allow water to reach the catch basin.  Routine maintenance and job security.
Julio and Tano have begun preparing beds for mulch. 
Our aerifiers and seeders are about ready for the season to begin.
Seed is in the barn awaiting Mother Nature to say go.



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