Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December has arrived and it is 65 degrees!  Oh well that didn't last long as it is cold and rainy today.  It was great seeing so many players on the course as well as giving our crew some nice weather to work in.  We took advantage of the unseasonably warm temps and rolled greens on Sunday and Monday.  There were lots of comments on how fast and true they putted.  The greens roller has to be one of the truly great improvements in putting green management.  We are able to provide great greens without mowing which was unthinkable not too long ago.

Just when we think we are done with the leaves.  Look what last nights cold front brought.  Yikes!
Winter rules are here.
Fairways were fertilized last week.  Late fall fertilization is an important part of our management of cool season turf.  Fertilizing at this time allows the plant to build up food reserves for the coming golf season.
My foot pulling up excess water on the fifth fairway the day after it was fertilized.  This fairway just will not dry out in the fall due to its location.
One more truck load of sod to lay this week.
When we established new collars some bentgrass encroached beyond the width of the collar.  Here Luis and Jose are using manual sod cutters to remove small strips of bent that will be sodded with tall fescue.  This will give a nice uniform collar and first cut.
Preparing to sod the bunker face at the short game area.  Practice bunker faces are routinely sodded due to the amount of sand pitched out of the bunkers.
The completed bunker that will be closed till spring.


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