Monday, December 29, 2014

Its official.  The tarps are on and temps are at the ready for the rest of the course.  What a nice ending to golf we have had though.  Sixty degrees on the 27th of December is a nice present to all of our golfing members and we hope you were able to play.

The irrigation system was winterized on December 20th.  The pipes were actually gravity drained a month ago but compressed air must be used to remove most of the excess water.  Each sprinkler must be actuated throughout the course.  This is much easier now that the sprinklers can be turned on by radio.
The air compressor situated by the twelfth green.

Our crew has begun cutting back all unwanted growth around the main lake.
Readying the tarp of the fourth green.
The fifth tee complex covered with the green visible in the distance.

Quincy has completed his therapy and has been given the okay to run!

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