Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It is another rainy day at the club.  We have had our share of late to be sure.  Hopefully the course will dry out soon and allow us to play on the greens before we move to temps.  Right now we anticipate moving to temporary greens and 'bucket golf' by the first of the year.  Weather will dictate exactly when that will be.  Greens 3,4, and 5 are almost ready to close for the season.  We still would like to perform deep tine aeration to the greens if there is time and the weather cooperates. 

We don't ever say the leaves are over because they aren't!  Moving leaves on the 12th hole for the umpteenth time.
The chip areas have proven to be a real asset with the leaves. Once they are moved into these areas we can then mulch them into a fine groundcover.
The sod work is almost complete.  We have made all the collars a uniform width of 26 inches.  Tall fescue sod is then added to the perimeter to match up with the first cut. 
This looks pretty strange but will eventually blend in with the first cut.  There are actually four different heights of cut in this picture- the green, collar, first cut and the rough.  When spring arrives we will mow the new sod to match and by mid-season it should be uniform in appearance.
New sod around the 15th approach with a temporary water hazard.
Nice white roots beginning to peg down into the soil.  All the rain has benefited the sod.
And the ducks!!

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