Saturday, July 23, 2022

 True to form, July has arrived with all of its heat and humidity.  After Monday this heat wave ends for a bit with hopefully some needed rain.  The course continues to excel.  Most of the turf is performing well but this heat is showing some areas of weakness.  Our members are to be commended for keeping their carts on the path in the afternoons this week.  It really does help, and the grass and my staff thank you!

The water has been flying this week for the first time this season.

You see some unusual turf diseases when it is so hot and humid.  This is called slime mold and is fortunately pretty harmless.  This was on the 7th green.

The course has been busy.  We finally were able to get some oxygen to our roots on Monday.  All the greens were solid tine aerated on Monday.  I bet you didn't even know we did this.

Here's a shot before rolling.

Once the greens are rolled, they look like this.  We try and do this every other week.

How about our rough?  When I hear complaints, I know we must be doing something right!  This is on the first hole where the large willow oak was.  The turf is thriving in its new environment.

Remember the magnolia at the practice green?  I don't know, but this looks pretty awesome as a replacement.

I saw this dinosaur near the 5th tee this morning.

Say goodbye to our purple martins.  They are headed back to South America after raising their young at our club.  We'll see them again in April.

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