Friday, July 1, 2022

 Member Guest was a resounding success.  Special kudos to my staff for all their hard work.  The three-inch deluge was an unexpected hurdle, but they did a remarkable job putting the course back together and making it a memorable event for all the competitors.  

Thursday morning.

Growth regulators in action on the practice green.  This picture shows bentgrass spreading laterally into a small area of annual bluegrass that is suppressed by the regulator.

We are having some success suppressing bermudagrass in the rough.  This is after a second application of Turflon Ester and Acclaim.  Temperatures have been favorable for cool season turf so far this summer.

Another view behind 17 green.

Finally getting this bed at 15 tee cleaned up.

Our wildflower bed on hole 11 has taken off.

The SGCC bed is doing well.  The flower in the foreground is blue salvia and the reddish-purple plant is Brazillian Red Hot Alternathera.  

We are grooming the front of the driving range tee to play tennis on next Sunday.  Here Richard double rolls it after a heavy dose of sand and water.

This was followed by some post-emergent weed control.  Next week some serious mowing and rolling!

Forty-two years in the golf business and have never seen this.  A red tail hawk trapped in a crepe myrtle.  Our staff rescued it and he flew into a nearby tree minus a few feathers.  Check it out on You Tube- Red Tail Hawk Rescue



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