Friday, July 15, 2022

 July 4th and the Bowers are over.  My crew can finally breathe a sigh of relief and get back to basic golf course management.  Weather has been especially nice this summer with timely rain and minimal heat stress.  This can change rapidly and probably will at some point, so no time to let our guard down.  Overall, the course is performing well.  The reduction in heat stress is noticeable.  Senior Club Championship is next on the docket in two weeks.  Let's hope this nice weather continues.

This versatile mower was just purchased.  We expect some labor savings and a better quality of cut in green and tee surrounds.  

There are several things going on in this picture.  The first is irrigation.  In this instance a wetting agent is watered in to prevent possible turf burn.  The second is that there is a lot of green grass with plenty of clippings seen in the foreground.  We have received timely rain which is making our rough very healthy!  July is usually the month we irrigate the most and so far, this is not the case.  We just raised the height to 3" which will remain until September.

Here are two pictures illustrating nice definition between fairway and rough.

What a great look!

Did you know we created a grass tennis court in about two weeks?  Here Shawn rolls the turf a gazillion times several days before the big event.

Did you know we also do our own flowers in house?

Lastly our pollinator gardens throughout the club are doing their thing.  Here honeybees are enjoying the bee balm we planted.

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