Friday, May 6, 2022

 Spring is having a hard time getting started.  We finally received an inch of beneficial rain on Wednesday, and more is coming starting today.  The forecast is just plain dreary this weekend-cold and wet.  Sorry to all the mothers out there.  This rain will jump start the turf.  Temperatures look to moderate mid to late week so be prepared for a big change in the density of the turf.  There is plenty going on so on to the pics.

Compost is now applied to fairways after aerification.  We will do this twice each season.  This material is fine enough to work into the turf without too many issues.  Compost helps reduce chemical and fertilizer inputs, improves drainage, improves soil microbiology, reduces irrigation requirements, helps hold nutrients in the root zone, and improves resistance to pests and diseases!  This is a program that should improve our fairways given time.

The third fairway before the material is worked into the turf.

Francisco aerating the turf around the clubhouse before receiving a double dose of compost, followed by heavy overseeding.

All bunkers were edged, sand depths checked and evenly distributed.  Several bunkers require additional sand.  The practice bunkers had new sand added on Monday.

Nice work men!

Patrick admiring his work on Saturday morning.

Greens were lightly fertilized in Thursday's spray application.  Expect them to be near perfect by next weekend if warm weather arrives.

Tis the season for pollen, oak catkins and maple samaras(helicopters).  Here the 7th green is covered with samaras before blowing off and mowed by our crew.

We have an unusual number of dandelions this spring and estimate about 40 acres need to be treated.  Six acres of rough were sprayed last Saturday for bermudagrass suppression.  This spray takes care of broadleaf weeds as well. 

Sure would like to open the practice tee, but it is not possible till growth commences.  It was fertilized this week to try and push growth. 

Removing azaleas for fairway visibility on hole two.

This is the view of the second hole looking from the gold tee on nine- now a combo tee for each hole.

New memorial bench location.

Leveling and sodding some deep swales in 12 rough and preventing some back injuries!

A mass of Double Play 'Big Bang' Spirea at the 18th tee.

'Limelight' Hydrangeas planted in the bed adjacent to the practice green.

Fence replacement at the turf care center this week.  Green vinyl slats will be added next week.

Bed preparation for the pollinating garden by 12 tee has begun.

Did you see Venus and Jupiter Saturday morning aligned in this manner?  The last time this occurred was a thousand years ago.  


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