Monday, May 16, 2022

 It has been a cool, dry and windy spring until last week.  The course received over three inches for the week, and more is coming.  Temperatures are on the rise, and we are seeing our first flush of turf growth.  The rough will be pretty formidable over the next few weeks so hit it straight!

Fairways have recovered nicely from spring aeration.  Height of cut has been reduced slightly and we are now playing summer rules.

It has been a tough spring for bermudagrass to get growing.  We have opened up the grass tee on weekends only.  Once the turf begins to grow practice will be allowed Wednesday through Sunday.

Six acres of rough were sprayed on April 25th with herbicides to suppress bermudagrass in cool season turf.  This is working pretty well and will be repeated in a month.  The brown turf is the bermudagrass with the green fescue/bluegrass not affected.  Unfortunately, this can't be done on bentgrass.

May is a busy time!  Here is our garden with improved drainage and neatly tilled.  Leaf compost will be tilled in when the soil is dry and then planted.

The crew planting shrubs in the bed adjacent to the 12th tee.

Rony and Julio planting the entrance bed.

Snakes are coming out with the recent warmth.  These are northern water snakes and are not venomous.  Snakes are part of nature's ecosystem and are not to be harmed!


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