Sunday, April 24, 2022

 Course aeration went great after a few weather hiccups to begin the week.  Sleet, snow and then rain greeted us Monday-Tuesday and by Sunday it was 85 degrees!  All greens were aerated and topdressed beginning Tuesday afternoon.  Fairways were aerated on Wednesday with near perfect ground soil conditions.  It has been several years since we have had such good results.  Keeping the course closed on Thursday was necessary and we thank you.  It will take about ten days for the greens to recover and grow through the sand.  

Tuesday afternoon and here we go.  Ten greens were aerated and completed on Wednesday.

The cores have been collected and we are ready for sand.

After topdressing and brushing and blowing the sand we seed the greens.  This seeder helps push some of the sand into the turf.

Sunday morning and they look like this.

Sunrise special Wednesday.  

While aeration was going on we also contracted an insecticide application on our white oaks for oak borers.  Future sprays will be completed by our staff.

Overseeded bermudagrass from last fall with several misses showing how well this seeding did.  Six acres were treated to suppress the bermudagrass on Saturday. A second application will occur in a month.

Compost to be spread on fairways beginning Monday.  This is something new we felt our fairways would benefit from.  This will be repeated in the fall.

Irrigating fairways Sunday morning.


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