Monday, April 4, 2022

 Much needed rain is forecast for this week as the golf season kicks off.  Rough aeration is nearly complete with only some deep rough to work on.  The final growth regulator application on greens for annual bluegrass seed head suppression was applied today.  So far, our applications have been spot on and we are seeing little seed head formation on the putting surfaces.  Mulching continues and will be nearly complete by the end of this week.  Warm weather arrives next week according to the experts.  Get ready for some thick rough!

Rough aeration begins.

Aeration cores waiting to be drug with a harrow.  We are creating pore space to grow deep, white roots!

Francisco on the other tractor aerating tight areas.

Max seeding where trees were removed.

Lots of wind lately.  This house by the 9th tee sustained some damage when this tree uprooted Thursday.

Patrick raking the fairway bunker on five with Lu helping.  Notice how he is raking only the level portion of the bunker.

A minor change at ten tee.

With the mulch down all we need is a bench.

The crew mulching at the 1st tee.

New flags and a waxed putting surface!

Purple martin scouts have arrived.  This guy is probably wondering why he came so early with the cold weather we are having.

Tis the season for tulips.  Looks like our timing with Easter is about perfect.

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