Wednesday, August 25, 2021

 It's been a struggle but the course is holding up well.  We have received over eight inches of rain in August with most of it occurring last week.  What a great crew we have and what a job they are doing under some trying conditions.  Bunkers were washed out from three different storms with the worst happening on Friday when we received nearly three inches of rain.  Thank goodness we are not having the extreme heat we experienced last summer.

Dick's reaction after seeing the rain gauge Saturday morning.

Every bunker was washed out.  Again.

Storm water successfully diverted to basin on the 12th hole by our crew Friday morning.

Plenty of dead trees to choose from and we lose a large oak on the 12th hole.

Cleaning up wash from our garden.

Seven approach after spraying.  Too wet to mow and looking forward to drainage installation this winter.

Seven approach mowed for the first time in about two weeks!!!

Black algae seen on most every green and controlled with a timely fungicide spray.  We have been fortunate to stay on schedule with our sprays.


I don't remember Liriope ever looking better.  Wow!

Garden daily harvest.

Chef Lindsey's scones made with Springfield honey!


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