Wednesday, August 4, 2021

 What a difference this summer has been when compared to the last two.  This week has been great with mild days and cool nights.  Timely rain has helped as well.   USGA Agronomist Elliott Dowling visited the club for our annual half day visit on July 20th and much of the discussion dealt with upcoming capitol improvements to the golf course beginning this November. 

Elliott Dowling discussing soil and root length at the ninth green.

Pylex herbicide doing its thing to common bermudagrass.  With milder summer temperatures we have been able to use this product on a regular basis.

This summer has featured timely rain with minimal damage to the course.  

Three fairway performing much better this season with adequate drainage and better weather.

The lake is full.  We were about a week from buying water but our reservoir is now full.  

Adding air to the root zone on Monday.  We also did some work on many of the tees.

Two weeds that really stick out in August and on the list for herbicide applications.  Nutsedge and common bermudagrass in the green surround on the third hole.

Hauling off some large logs from trees removed earlier this year.

Taking kids on a tour of our nature trail and a few other areas during Monday closure.

It has been a successful bluebird season.  Here babies rest in one of our houses.

Western wildfires affecting the morning sun.

Wild flower bed planted May 29th showing off.

A closer look shows some pink swamp milkweed blooming.  



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