Saturday, July 17, 2021

 Hot and humid has been the theme this week but fortunately that ends later today with a boom (We hope).  It was 78 degrees at 4:30 this morning.  Extended periods of high temperatures during the day followed by high night time temperatures spells trouble for cool season turf.  Cool season turf recovers at night during the summer when hopefully the temperature cools below 70 degrees.  Please be mindful of this as you drive your cart on the course.  Golf carts are tough on the grass during these heat waves. 

Bad news waking up to this.  

Working on the course in a gap during the Bowers.  Edging bunkers and hand watering.

The course is holding up well under this heat wave for the most part.

Mowing greens on the last day of the Bowers.  The lattice pieces are used as turning boards for the mowers to protect the tender grass.

I repeat no carts on the green collars!!!!!!

There it is brought back to life and adding more enjoyment to your game.  Our recently renovated intermediate mower in motion.

Bermudagrass is beginning to get aggressive in the rough.  The silvery grass is the bermuda encroaching in our fescue-bluegrass blend.  Herbicides will soon be applied to help reduce this invasive weed.  The bermuda in our fairways is suppressed using much lighter rates of Pylex.  Rates as low as 5/100ths of an ounce per acre are reducing its aggressive behavior!

Our new wildflower beds are already shining.  This was seeded on May 29th!

A closer look.  

Bee balm covered with bees behind the 6th tee.

Gill has found a way to cool off in the heat.

Doesn't this tree look familiar?


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