Saturday, September 4, 2021

 August has been a real roller coaster.  After a mild start the rain and humidity arrived in excess.  One thing is for sure-never trust a long range weather forecast.  The nice weather we are experiencing was 'supposed' to begin several weeks ago.  Haha!  Anyway we made it through Ida and now the course needs to dry out so we can have the conditions necessary to have a successful fall renovation.

Testing our aeration equipment on the chipping green.

Two days before we had this unfortunate accident.  Gasoline spilt on the chipping green from a leaking gas cap on a back pack blower.  This occurred early morning before sunrise and fortunately only this green was damaged.  This will be repaired after course maintenance is completed.

Bermudagrass eradication if there is such a thing on the 5th hole.  We couldn't do as many areas as intended due to the constant rain.  A second application of a non-selective herbicide will be applied this week followed by seeding.

Back pack blowers and some great workers blowing clippings on the 7th hole.  Our crew has been through plenty of difficult working conditions of late.  They mowed the entire course on Monday and Tuesday in preparation of Ida.

Four inches of rain at my home Wednesday morning from wave one of Ida.  Somehow our course only received a half inch and we were open!  We caught a break!

Wet conditions and a beverage cart without brakes is a bad combination.

Demonstrating a deep tine fairway aerator on the 9th hole.  This area will be treated with a soil sterilant this week during course closure and then seeded the following week.

Have you ever wondered why there are dead spots on the 6th green?  This is the reason why.  Great Blue Herons doing their business as they fly over the green.

Monarch butterfly on lantana in the pollinator garden behind 15 green.

Asters blooming means fall is around the corner.

We are sorry to see these two leave. Best wishes Dawn and Billy!

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