Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The golf course is having a tough time with the extreme heat we are experiencing.  Closing the golf course is never an easy decision.  The longevity of this heat wave followed by some of the hottest temperatures we've seen make it necessary to protect the course.  Even walking on weak turf areas is harmful right now.  Night time temperatures have been extreme as well so there is no turf recovery during periods that normally allow the turf to heal.  ( It was 80 degrees when I left the house at 4:30 on Monday).  We received a beneficial 1.5" of rain last night that filled our irrigation lake.  High levels of humidity like we are experiencing act like an incubator for turf diseases and other pests.  Last nights rain was beneficial but too much more with the heat and humidity could really hurt.  That is why water management is so important.  Using light irrigation cycles and hand watering are proven as the only way to water effectively during high stress periods.

The course is getting a needed rest. 

Heat stress on the practice green.  The line in the middle is from the hose resting on the turf too long.  Crazy but true.

Cart damage on the 14th fairway.  These folks don't understand what the ninety degree rule is.

More cart damage.

Butterfly bush but no butterflies.  Let's hope they are just late.

The lake is full.

All mowing has been suspended so we are working on the bunkers.
You know its hot when Gill is laid out on a bed of ice.

Jack has the right idea.

1 comment:

  1. Would you want us to take relief if our ball lands in a particularly stressed area of the fairway? I almost did that today. It was sad to hit when the grass was so stressed.
