Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Relentless.  There's not much more to say with the heat we are experiencing.  It seems we are setting records every year.  Today breaks the record for the most ninety degree days at 26.  Not a winning recipe for growing cool season grasses.  I've spoken often about the cooling effect of nighttime temperatures.  Unfortunately Monday marked the 31st straight day with lows at or above 70 degrees.  That spells no recovery and only regression.  Currently we are having a summer more resembling Houston.  The week of rain only contributed to our woes.  While it did help much of our turf those areas with poor drainage suffered.  Poor draining areas need to be addressed to prevent future turf failure.

Poor three fairway.  Too much rain and heat in fairways with poor drainage.

Turf decline in five fairway.

While the course was closed the crew repaired most of our bunkers on Friday.

Incredible lightning was featured in every rain event last week.  Our irrigation computer was knocked out for the second time this summer.

Removing a large oak knocked down in the creek by 15 green.

Weeds are a plenty with a summer like this.  Not being able to mow makes it look particularly bad. 
We treated 10 acres of rough for sedges last week.  Three different herbicides were used.  Dismiss herbicide was used in the pic. Sedgehammer and Celero were also used and results are being evaluated.

Over two inches of rain Thursday night.
Isn't it nice to have a diversion during tough times?

More beauty amongst chaos.

Ground hog day.

New bunker sand was added to those in need on Monday.  Another load arrives today.
On the eighth day we mowed the grass.


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