We are using a lot of water. Watch the lake go down!

Hand watering is the only precise way to water greens in the afternoon.
The only way to water flowers properly. Here Max is watering Saturday morning. Very labor intensive but what can you do?
Our garden is starting to prosper. All the tomatoes have been staked and vegetables that were started from seed are starting to grow.
Carts can do lots of damage to our turf. Here is damage on a wilted 13th approach??? where carts aren't permitted. Cart rules are posted daily and updated during the day as necessary.
Please pay attention to rules! Currently we are using the ninety degree cart rule to limit tire damage.
Thanks to Jim Groody for organizing fairway divot repair on Mondays. We appreciate it!
Mr. Groody in his element.
This bunker reminds me of the bunker on the 13th at Augusta. Our crew edged all of them this week.
Turf twister. What caused the tan spots around the bunker? Please give it a shot and reply in this blog. The answer will be in the next blog.
Looks like Fox pee to me.