Monday, April 20, 2020

We received a break from the weatherman and were able to core aerate all the greens on Monday.  Perfect conditions allowed this work to be done as efficiently as possible.  Lucky us!

Francisco aerated twenty greens.  That's a lot of walking!
After the green is aerated the crew blows the plugs to the perimeter of the green and then picks them up.  This is time consuming and labor intensive.
Reggie and Ian joined the party.
Jon Seward helping Luis on the 13th green.  All hands on deck!
This is what the putting surface looks like when they are done.
Once the green is clean sterilized sand is added.
After the green is sanded Josh brushes it into the holes.
After brushing the green looks like this.  The crew will come back with blowers and force more sand into the holes.  I'll have pictures of that tomorrow.
Last week we sliced all the fairways.  This is done to reduce lateral growth and promote more stolons.  Stolons are above ground stems.  The end product will be a denser turf.
We are behind in our bed work but where Julio and company have been is stunning.
Bluebird eggs in one of our houses.
Sweet William beginning to bloom in the wildflower bed on hole three.


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