Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Two great days of work on the course.  Perfect conditions allowed us to aerate all the collars on Monday.  On Tuesday all the tees with the exception of holes 3,4, and 5 were aerated, cores drug back into the surface, cleaned and topdressed.  Expanded collars were todressed as well.  Only a late day storm kept us from finishing.  This work will be completed on Thursday.
Annual bluegrass weevils have begun their migration from the rough to the short grass.  They are most active on warm days and we will be monitoring to determine the best time to apply an insecticide. 
Sunrise aeration special!
The course has some of the best roots we have seen in a while.
After aeration the cores are drug back into the surface.  This separates the thatch from the sand.  After dragging the thatch is then blown into the rough where it is then picked up.
The only thing left is a nice coating of fresh sand.  This went so well we didn't need to brush it in.
A closer look.  A nice rain helped work the sand back into the profile.
Expanded collar aeration after picking up the cores.
Topdressing expanded collars. 
Soil temperatures are rising. 
The turf is starting to jump.
The wildflower beds were aerated, seeded and drug on Monday.  The rain that followed was perfect!
Using a bunker rake to work the seed into the soil.
Waitea Patch has been prevalent this spring.  Fungicides have been applied and the turf will gradually grow out of the infected areas.
This is damage to the practice green from a player standing in the same spot repeatedly.  Please don't do this!!!
One of the best tulip displays we have had.
Club entrance bed.
18 green bed.
SGCC bed.  Enjoy them because they will be gone soon.

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