Saturday, April 11, 2020

Just a quick update on Saturday morning.  We completed all tee and collar aeration this week.  On Monday we are scheduled to aerate all fairways.  Rain is in the forecast so this work will most likely move to Tuesday if conditions permit.  The course will be closed for the day to allow work to be performed efficiently.  Happy Easter.

We are all helping out during the COVID-19 outbreak.  Look who is changing hole locations and rolling greens!  Josh is helping us on Wednesday mornings and Ian on Mondays.
There are a lot broken tees left on the tees right now.  Please pick up your broken tees and deposit them in the trash receptacles.
We don't need any extra work right now.  Half of a pine tree came down on Thursday afternoon in the high winds.
Friday morning the guys about knocked it out. 
We are way behind in our bed work but are making progress.  Here we have raised some more of this bed before mulching.
No Gill can't walk on water.  The pond on 11 is so shallow it appears she can though.
Thursday morning!

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