Saturday, August 31, 2019

We are experiencing some terrific weather for late August.  Unfortunately we remain in a Springfield drought.  This week the course will be closed for fall maintenance beginning September 3rd thru the 5th.  Since the course is under a good amount of stress we will be very conservative in our approach and it should bounce back quickly with cooler temperatures and some needed rain. 

Our greens have performed remarkably well this season under some demanding weather.  We lightly topdress them every two weeks on Mondays.
All fairway divots were filled as well as picking any stray crabgrass plants.  Mondays are good for the course!
More Monday work- Brush cutting the area to the right of #12.
Three men worked exclusively weeding beds.
Lastly we worked on our maintenance fence.
The wildflower beds will be planted next week. 
We got a jump on maintenance by aerating all the tees on Wednesday.  These will be topdressed and seeded this week.
We also began seeding the rough with our new seeder.  Over two thousand pounds were planted.
The seeder cuts a slice about 1/2 inch deep and places the seed directly in the groove with minimal damage.
Annual bluegrass weevils have been in abundance of late.  The little black dot in the center of the picture is the adult.
The yellow blemish seen here is damage from the larval stage of this insect.  We feel like we have a pretty good handle on managing this pest.
Many thanks to Bill Darden for Quincy's memorial plaque.  We moved all of the plaques by the 17th tee this week.
Finally found!  A monarch butterfly caterpillar feasting on milkweed.
Swallowtails have been in abundance this summer.

Look close and you'll see what looks like a hummingbird but is actually a hummingbird moth.
Another sunrise special!


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