Friday, August 9, 2019

Ugh.  The storm on Wednesday was all bark and no bite.  We received a measly quarter inch and are days away from buying water.  We had a bad lightning hit to an oak at the entrance of the turf care center that could have been horrible if someone had been there.  Just guessing that tree won't survive.
It will rain eventually but the course is stressed and is requiring some tender loving care.  Carts have been restricted to the path in the afternoon on several holes and this trend looks to continue.  We have only received 2.25 inches of rainfall since July 12th.

Mondays continue to be of great benefit to the course and we hope you are noticing.  This week we used bayonet tines on all the collars and specific tees, repaired divots and pulled crabgrass plants in the fairways, sprayed and watered in a wetting agent on specific fairways (as well as watering throughout the course), fertilized all the flowers, edged and firmed up the green side bunkers and spent some quality time working on the collars.  Whew that's a load!

Pretty mean looking.
Lightning hit on a large red oak.
Trees continue to die without warning.  This is a large oak near the 18th tee.
Pedro pulling goosegrass plants on the third hole.
Francisco venting the collars.  We will do the tees on Monday.
Nice and neat results.
Richard doing some scratching and seeding afterwards.
How the 15th approach appeared the day after a wetting agent was applied.
Julio fertilizing annuals throughout the course.
Bunker detailing performed every two weeks.
Richard watering while areas just to our west are getting hammered with rain!!!!
Expanding the 16th fairway and improving your game!  This small area was not treated for bermudagrass contamination and was a bad lie until now.
Butterflies are in abundance in the garden behind 15 green.
Monarchs are just now showing up.


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