Thursday, August 22, 2019

After a brief respite we are back in another hot humid period.  The lack of rain has put additional stress on the course and our staff.  Our last one inch rain event was on July 12th.  The course has received just under three inches of rain from July 12th to now.  We began purchasing water last week as well.  The weather breaks after today so the worst looks to be over.  Maybe some beneficial rain is coming which is needed as we head into course renovation.

This is an example why we restrict carts to the path when the turf is under heat stress.
Despite the tough weather the course is in pretty good shape overall.
We have been using the irrigation system more than we would like.
Mondays continue to be the bomb.  Here Jose B and Luis repair a broken pipe on the fifth hole before the real heat arrives.
Josh and Max did extensive hand watering throughout the course.  Nothing beats a hose for getting the water exactly where the turf needs it.
The number of trees suddenly failing is alarming.  This white oak on the second hole just collapsed last week.  We have a tree specialist coming today to examine specific weak trees.
Dogwoods dropping leaves near the 18th green.
Julio and Rony spent all day watering ornamentals throughout the course.
The crew also repaired the bridge on the 7th hole.  The piping is made of metal and is rusting on the bottom causing sinkholes when we receive big rains.
All greenside bunkers were edged as well.
Butterflies have been abundant throughout the course this summer.
Two fawns on the 7th hole.  The amount of wildlife on our course is remarkable.
No words for this!


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