Friday, March 2, 2018

March has arrived and it truly is entering like a lion.  Initially this blog was gonna highlight 'Mulch Madness' but mulching has taken a backseat to the wind storm we are experiencing.  Now please out like a lamb!

Twas the last day of February and we were mowing the fairways.

Greens and collars were mowed with an amazing grandeur.

The benches were complete and ready for action....

and the roses were pruned with such impeccable care..

once mulching had started it must be Spring!

Even our red tailed hawks knew winter was done and nesting was to begin.

But suddenly the wind arose with a gust...

we knew that winter wasn't going away.

The driving range net was a tattered mess...

not to mention two posts snapped at the base.

Bunker sand was blown out of its place.

What kind of joke has been played on those who play this great game?

Ah the daffodil knows that begging for spring in early March is fools gold!

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