Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The March lion keeps roaring along.  Strong winds and cold temperatures have been the tale this month.  The crew has done a great job cleaning up after the wind storm on March 2-3.  The driving range net took a hard hit and will need to be repaired.  Thanks goodness for insurance!  The crew is back to  "Mulch Madness" so expect the fragrance of mulch in the air- It smells like Spring!  Weather permitting we begin aerating the rough next week.

The wind storm provided its share of challenges.  Dry conditions allowed bunker sand to be blown out of the bunker which required the guys to blow it back and preserve the grass edge.

Most of this pile is from a weeks worth of cleaning up.

We now have more wood to split as well.

Soil temperatures are really low right now.  This is the 11th green on March 10th.  Soil temperatures at this time last year were 49 degrees!

Here is the 11th green on the 14th.  Interestingly the turf has lost some of its color.

A particularly cold winter raises some concern of possible winter kill of bermudagrass on our driving range tee.  Here we have taken several plugs and brought them inside next to a window to force it out of dormancy.  We will have an idea if it survived in about two weeks.

Please abide by the rules even if our dogs don't so our course will be in the best condition possible during the season.

Mulch Madness at its best!

A bat house near the 12th tee.  There are two in this area.

This is an owl house found in the same vicinity.

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