Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What blizzard?  Its been just over a week and two feet of snow is gone! It is unusual to see such melt in the middle of winter but we'll take it.  What a job my staff did plowing the parking lot allowing the club to open on Monday.  Kudos to those guys!

Friday afternoon with the snow just starting to accumulate.  Enjoy the run Quincy, the next time won't be so easy.

Saturday afternoon with Snowzilla at its peak.

Our first snow event using only the Kubota plow and it performed great.

An almost beach like look by the driving range.

Clearing snow from gutters at the shop.

We choose to believe our signs actually worked.  The fifth green with hardly a foot print on it.

The snow melted almost as fast as it came down.  The new thirteenth tee looks awesome only ten days after it was covered by two feet of powder.

We worked on the course right up to the storm.  Here's some of our handy work now that we are back in the shop.

The snow is gone and we are splitting wood till the course dries up.  Come and get it!

This was taken only four days after the snowstorm!  There's twenty inches of snow just beyond Quincy. 

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