Monday, February 22, 2016

We were able to open the back nine for play on Saturday.  We are evaluating the front nine and hope to begin removing the tarps next week.  Currently many of the fairways are much too soft to permit play.  With rain in the forecast for much of this week it is unlikely the front nine will open this weekend.  We are anxious as you are to get on the course but must wait until conditions permit.

After looking closer at the damaged turf in our rough I feel confident it will bounce back.  Several turf plugs were taken inside and are already producing new shoots.  This is most likely gray snow mold and something rarely seen in our growing area.  Regular brushing will help the turf recover and will begin as soon as the course dries out.   Pink snow mold is more common and has been prevalent in our fairways the past two years.  Preventive fungicides appear to have done the job as the fairways are clean.

The first tint of spring green was observed on Saturday with the warm temperatures.

Repairing damage from snow plows at our entrance.

Fifteen fairway looking beautiful Saturday morning.  The early bird gets the view!  We are ready to get the mowers on the course just as soon as it dries up and the change will be dramatic.

Removing some ornamental grasses on the seventh hole and relocating to the spillway on the fifth hole.

Red tail hawks pairing up and hopefully nesting on the course.

This is less than two months away!

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