Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The snow is about gone and we are evaluating the course daily for when to open.  Nice weather is forecast for this weekend and we will do our best to open if possible.  Currently the course is plain mush!  Colder temperatures are forecast until Saturday so we will see.

Once the snow melted some weak turf was observed in some of the rough.  We anticipate aggressively aerating and seeding these areas once the course dries up.

Another view.  We suspect the mild weather and excessive rain in December predisposed the turf to decline.  Most of the turf is annual bluegrass.

Melting snow is rapidly leaving the course.  Too bad we can't store this water for summer.

I recently attended the Golf Industry Show in San Diego where everything imaginable in golf course maintenance was on display.  It took eight hours to walk the trade show floor.

Check out this rig.  Toro recently redesigned their utility vehicle but didn't raise the price!

Yours truly posing with a great horned owl at the Audubon booth.  Audubon will be visiting our course in June hopefully for final certification.  

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