Wednesday, May 28, 2014

We continue to play catch up on the course and we are almost able to breathe.  The biggest discussion we hear concerns the rough.  We are doing what we can to improve the playability of it.  We lowered the intermediate rough today and will evaluate where that height of cut puts us.  We will be mowing it two directions to encourage the turf to grow straight up and hopefully improve your lie.  No matter what we take your comments both good and bad as a compliment of the fine stand we have established!
The dreaded bad lie just off the fairway.
A better lie at 1 3/4 inches.
Divot repairs have been good and we thank you.  Here a repaired divot is growing back.
Which lie would you rather have? This or...
Now that carts are permitted please refrain from sharp turns.
A bermudagrass plant in our new fairways.  We will start spot spraying fairways next week.
Topdressing tees and approaches this week.  The sand will help firm up the approaches.
Julio and Armando are doing some nice plantings this spring.
We are finally having some nice results in our bluebird houses after a slow start.  Here two tree swallows are resting during nest building time.



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