Saturday, May 17, 2014

We encountered another bad storm this week.  Unfortunately the course didn't fare as well this time.  Four inches of rain in a short period was too much and we had plenty on our table to get the course back in shape.  Many of the bunkers received significant erosion and required lots of man power to make them playable.   This cool wet spring has made the rough very difficult to keep up with as well.  We are mowing the rough at least twice a week, sometimes more often.  Beginning Tuesday we are lifting the cart restrictions which should make everyone happy and hopefully ease some of the difficulty players are experiencing.  The third hole will open as well.  Lastly the greens are getting back into shape after aerification.  We thank you for your patience through this necessary evil.

Bunker washout on hole fifteen.  We must skim off silt before pushing sand back into place.
Kiv having fun in the sand.
The finished bunker.  No more washouts!
The new yardage plaques have been installed.
The fairway bent is producing some great roots.
We are seeing some great divot recovery.  Crystal BlueLinks has excellent lateral growth.

The broken water line has been repaired behind the third green but we have developed a spring which will be repaired when the course finally dries up.
Oscar and Francisco worked hard getting our mowers back into shape on Friday and mowed with them for the first time after aeration on Saturday.  We begin lowering the height of cut on Monday.  The greens should be very good next week.

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