Friday, June 6, 2014

We hope you are enjoying this delightful weather.  The course is happy with this weather as well.  So far this spring we have had adequate rainfall and moderate temperatures that have been beneficial to our new cool season turf.  It is nice to be entering summer with the course in such fine condition.  We have just about completed our delayed spring work and will be concentrating our efforts on primping the course for the many important golf events that are coming.

The drainage repair on the third hole was completed this week.  Three catch basins were added along with internal drainage.
The sod has been laid and will require lots of water.

A diversion berm was added to redirect storm water from #16 to the catch basin on the right.
Light vertical mowing with a device called turf groomers was employed this week.  This procedure encourages the turf to grow more upright and reduce grain in the bentgrass.
Groomer blades.
This is proper water management.  Here Erik hand waters drain lines on the eighth fairway with a wetting agent that will make water more available to the plant.
This is how not to repair a divot with the divot mix.  The sand is too high and will hurt the surrounding turf as the temperature rises.  Sand is an excellent conductor of heat.
This is the same divot after brushing with my foot.  The sand is below the cut line and the existing turf can now spread over the repair.
Replacing divots is still the recommended way to repair the turf.
We have gone back to crosscutting the fairways.
The 12th hole after mowing.
The best view in Springfield!

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