Monday, December 23, 2013

What crazy weather we are experiencing.  Hopefully we won't get sick from this warm, humid period.  We are wrapping up the course for winter.  We just completed blowing out the irrigation system with pressurized air.  If you saw the irrigation system running last week that was what was going on.  This process removes water in the pipes to prevent freeze damage.  Later this week we will put turf blankets on the 5th tee as well as greens 3,4 and 5.  These tarps protect the turf in this particularly cold area of the course from cold temperature damage.

Blowing our the irrigation system with compressed air.
The air compressor used in the process. We tap into the piping at the pump house.
The overgrown hedge behind the 7th tee was recently removed.  This area will be sodded when weather permits.  Some new screening may be required.

Looking back at the 6th green.
Bush hogging the naturalized area below the 3rd tee.
Another view looking from #4.
We had a nice holiday celebration at the Austin Grill on Friday.  Cheers to our crew!

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