Tuesday, December 3, 2013

We are taking advantage of some of the last nice days of December this week.  We are down to the wire with our bunker renovation project with ten down and two to go.  Our goal is to be done by the weekend.  The leaf work on the course is essentially done.  Leaf removal on this course is a chore and was particularly difficult with all the new turf.  We are also doing some late seeding and fertilization before winter officially arrives.

A sure sign that winter is here.  This is Patriot bermudagrass on the driving range tee entering dormancy.  We do not overseed this as overseeded  bermudagrass has a difficult time transitioning back in the spring in our area.

We apply a preemergent herbicide in early September to prevent annual bluegrass from germinating and contaminating the bermuda.  Here is a lone annual bluegrass plant that somehow grew.

Mulching leaves in the deep rough for hopefully the last time.

Erik fertilizing rough on the second hole.  Late fall fertilization is extremely important as the plant builds energy reserves for next season.

We are growing some nice roots.  This is from the fifteenth green.

This is from the second fairway.

Roots are at least three inches long in the new fairways which we are pretty happy with.  This is from the fifth fairway.

Twelve fairway bunker before...

and after!

Remember the soggy area just past the red tee on number fifteen?  Gone!

Plenty of new vistas with the help of some tree removals. The third hole as viewed from the sixth tee.

Turf twister.  What caused these circular lines in the rough?

Another area with these crop circles!  Give up?  This occurred during grow in.  We experienced an electrical power failure one night during our irrigation cycle.  The sprinklers lost pressure and washed away the seed before shutting off. 

The third hole with the new turf and bunkering.

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