Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year from Ice Station Springfield.  It is a frigid three degrees this morning and we are working inside today.  Fortunately this cold weather will only be here for a few days.  The mild weather we experienced prior to New Years Day allowed us put turf blankets on greens 3,4,and 5 and all the new tees on the 5th hole.  Our timing could not have been better.  These blankets insulate the turf and help prevent winterkill in this very cold section of our golf course.  Hopefully they will hasten the rooting of the fifth tee also.
A heavy frost on the 5th hole with turf blankets on the tee and green.
Another view of the covered tees.
We have begun cutting back all growth around the lakes and creeks.  This is the dam side of #5 lake.
The crew working on the 3rd hole.
Damage to the first fairway from walking on the turf when frozen.
This unit heats our equipment shop using waste oil from all of our equipment.
There is one employee that doesn't mind the cold.  Quincy in action herding the geese.
The classic border collie pose.

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