Tuesday, February 8, 2022

  Rain and warmer temperatures moved our crew inside Thursday and Friday to work on golf course accessories.  Tree and construction improvements stopped as well but has resumed this week. Fescue sod arrived today and will be laid on the fifth hole to cover exposed soil and around the new bunkers on fifteen.  The Better Billy gravel layer is in place and ready to be sprayed later this week.  New internal drainage will be installed on holes 1, 7, 10, 15, and 18 as we get closer to wrapping up phase one.  These areas have been marked with orange paint.

Rony and Oscar installing vinyl guard on rake handles.

Oscar in the grinding room sharpening fairway cutting units.

Julio, Jose, and Lu painting tee markers.

The bunkers on fifteen almost there.

Another view as we prepare for rain.

Monday and the gravel layer completed.  

View from the tee showing the bunker flash.

Our crew spreading chips behind 13 tee.

Friday's amazing sunset after the rain. 



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