Saturday, February 26, 2022

 We are about to have some great weather as the golf season nears.  Tarps come off Tuesday and play will begin off the first tee on Friday.  Greens three and four will open then.  The fifth hole will remain closed until it is ready for play.  Fifteen will continue to have a temporary tee as well.  As tempting as it is the sod needs to root and get established before we can play on it.  Please stay off the new sod!  Tree removal is complete for this winter and now we push to clean up with plenty of sod and spring seeding occurring. 

A nice forecast for the start of March.  In like a lamb?

Our tree contractor did an outstanding job.  Fifty-seven trees were removed in thirteen days.  Here Frank Delph does a photo shoot supported by a crane on eighteen.

This multi-trunked oak has been watched carefully for over twenty years.  The decision was made to remove it and for good reason.

Frank showing the size of this tree before removal.

Pretty remarkable it stood as long as it did.

Their chipper devouring a white pine.

Crazy weather!  Here Shawn waters very dry bentgrass with our sprayer.  He used nine tanks to bring it back to life.  The rain that followed was perfect!

Internal drainage continues and should wrap up soon.  Here drainage is installed in the expanded collar behind seven green.  

Our crew has completed cutting back growth from all pond and creek banks.  Check out Oscar in the water cutting back saplings!

A look at some of their nice work from the fifth hole.

Another view.  We will spread wildflowers in many of these areas soon.

Hauling off logs.

Our red tail hawks are nesting in a different pine this year.  Our course provides habitat for many different species of wildlife.



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