Monday, November 22, 2021

 It's Thanksgiving week and we are ready to begin construction a week from today.  Before then our staff will work on sod installation and leaves.  Currently we are working on the 15th hole.  We are enlarging the fairway to the right next to the lake and then wrapping the right side with tall fescue.  Weather permitting, we will install two more truckloads in December to end the season.  Temporary greens are being prepared for days when we do not want traffic on our regular greens.  All greens and tees will receive deep tine aeration beginning Monday also.

The fairways were aerated using bayonet tines the last two weeks.

As this picture shows there is little disruption to the playing surface with this type of tine.

Prepping for new sod on the third hole.

Two hours later.  What a difference!

Fifteen fairway expansion marked and ready to be prepared for bent sod.

The fairway expansion in process.  We will replace the rough with new fescue sod as well.

Saturday morning prepping an area for Jeff William's bench during a frost delay.

Equipment is starting to arrive.



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