Sunday, November 7, 2021

 There is plenty going on the course these days.  Mr. Covid paid a visit to my home and let me tell you it was not fun.  We are all better now but it was a very unpleasant experience.  It was nice returning to work and finding the course in such great shape.  The last event of the golf season occurs this week with Lentz's Revenge.  The weather looks to be amazing and it's sold out.  Enjoy the fun! 

We have a full plate before winter arrives.  Sod replacement begins mid-November.  Work will start on the 3rd hole.  There is also a leaf issue about to begin.  Trees are dropping late this fall.  That may be a blessing but no matter it is a huge job that will carry over into December.  Master plan work begins around Thanksgiving too.  The locations of the bunkers are flagged on five and fifteen.  Work will begin on hole five as we race to beat the weather.  New asphalt will be laid as soon as possible.  Check with the pro shop daily as to hole closures while this work occurs.


We are ready.  Are you???

We've had some serious frost this week.  Wednesday thru Saturday.  Did I mention we detest frost delays?

Frost work.  Preparing a bed at 13 tee for next spring's planting.

More frost work.  Pulling up annuals before we can get on the course.  Our tulips have arrived and planting begins this week.

All the equipment is humming and waiting for Mr. Frost to lift.

Arachnids and a dog on the 18th for the ladies event Wednesday.

The location of the bunkers on 15.  The white flags are what was on the plan and the purple is the adjusted final location.

Another view.

Five fairway bunker location.

Demoing equipment for future capital purchases.  Here Max uses an articulated rough mower.

We held our annual picnic on October 14th.  Here the boys enjoy a mess of crabs and beer.

Oure crew enjoying burgers on a beautiful afternoon.


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